Here are 10 fun BBQ and Grill Facts that you may not know. Check out this info-graphic filled with fun and interesting facts. Then get ready to fire up the grill!
FACT 1 : Where’s the Beef?
85% & 80% beef holds the top 2 spots for most popular foods for cooking on the grill, closely followed by pork and chicken!
FACT 2 : Go Alaskan Salmon!
As Alaskans this wasn’t much of a shock that more than 90% of wild salmon caught in the U.S. is from Alaska!
FACT 3 : How are those Sauces Stacking up?
HICKORY was found to be the most popular sauce for BBQ followed by mesquite, honey, and, tomato-based, also on the list Garlic seasoning!
FACT 4 : Ranking for Holiday and BBQ?
86% on the 4th of July
72% on Birthdays
75% on Labor Day
68% on Memorial Day
FACT 6 : Who are the Grill Owners & Users?
75% of U.S. adults own a grill or smoker. It used to be a male dominated demographic but women are increasing their grill cooking. Men hold about 51% of grill time while women are fast approaching at 49%.
FACT 7 :Do People Grill for Breakfast?
11% of grill owners prepared breakfast in the past year! We are pretty sure they weren’t eggs.
FACT 9 : Grilling Frequency?
63% of the U.S population grills monthly.
FACT 9 : What Exactly is “Grill Season”?
We found out that year round grilling, really is a “thing”.
33% Grill when it’s below freezing
63% grill monthly
48% fire up year-round
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