Read up on a few of the most important propane safety tips, followed by the benefits of using propane. The Propane guys are committed to providing you the best residential and commercial propane delivery service in Anchorage and Eagle River.
Propane Tank Safety Tips
- Never leave a tank inside a vehicle
- Never attempt to fill the propane tank yourself – have your tank filled only by trained professionals
- Never attempt to repair your propane tank. Contact a propane dealer for repair or replacement needs.
- When transporting, always secure the tank in the upright position on the floor of the back seat. Never transport the tank in your front seat or trunk. Ensure the tank valve is closed and the valve opening is plugged or capped. Keep windows open to provide ventilation in case the tank your are transporting leaks.
- Store propane tanks outdoors, upright and off the ground on a base that will not burn.
- Don’t store a spare tank too close to a grill or any other object that can expose it to very high temperatures
- Never store a propane tank indoors, including inside your garage and basement
- Do not smoke near your propane tank.
- Before lighting your grill, always check your tank for dents, rust or leaks.
- Never use a lighter or matches to check for gas leaks.
- If you detect a gas leak, contact your local fire department immediately.
Safety Benefits of Propane
- Propane tanks are 20 times more puncture resistant that tanks filled with ethanol, methanol or gasoline. They are constructed from carbon steel, under the procedures developed by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Propane cylinders are equipped with a device that cuts off the filling process, when the tank reached 80 percent of its liquid capacity. This helps pressure inside the tank, caused by temperature to variate, without a gas emitting from the tank.
- Propane has the lowest flammability rating of any alternative fuel.
- Propane leaks are easy to detect due to the strong pungent smell that imitates the scent of rotten eggs.
- Propane will not contaminate water or soil.
- Unlike other fuels, like gasoline, propane can not be ingested, due to the fact that it is vaporized internally when released form it’s container. Leaks do not form a puddle; propane dissipates into the air.
- In contrast with gasoline’s ignition temperature of 430 to 500 degrees F, propane will not ignite until the air reaches at least 940 degrees F.
Earning Your Trust & Customer Loyalty
We care about the level of service we are providing our residential propane customers. We strive to make our delivery/order process as easy as possible. We will provide you with excellent and timely service and look forward to discussing any of your residential propane or commercial propane delivery needs. The Propane Guys pride themselves on being a transparent, Alaskan company, that you can trust to be there with the highest quality service possible. We welcome any open conversation about how we do business, what our service entails and the products we offer. Just Email Us!